The Wooden Church of Saint Nicholas, Corodeşti Village, Ghergheşti Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: cod VS-II-m-B-06784)
Built by the community of the village in 1743, in the south – west of the village, having the cemetery around it. It was made of in-place wood by the masters Dumitru from Corodeşti and Neculai from Galaţi.
It is remarkable by the harmony of the volumes, the accuracy of the technical execution, the creation of the interior space according to the requests of the founders and of the program related to the tradition of the Orthodox cult.
Rectangular church with pentagonal apse of the altar, released, with five sides, western entrance, and initially opened threshold, supported on chopped pillars in accolade. It is built from oak girders bound in “straight loops”, on river stone foundation and timber support. The four-inclination roof, long eaves has chopped rafter. The altar apse is covered with a semi-dome on chopped consoles, and the nave and narthex with polygonal sectioned vaults, with arch ribs, key rosettes and decorated bases. The nave is delimitated from the narthex by pillars with curbed openings. The decoration of the facades is visible only from the threshold: “in distort” median cordons, “saw teeth” under the perch and above the dado. The frameworks of the windows decorated with motif of the “vine with grapes” are covered with boards. The porch with accolade opening, surmounted by the religious inscription in Cyrillic is decorated with edited motif of the “vase with flowers”. The oak door with primary closing system preserves the epoch ironware which could be seen at the window grill and at the candle support in front of the altar. There is also preserved the iconostasis from the 18th – 19th centuries, oil on wood. The stock of religious books is preserved at the municipal Museum of Huşi.