Tourist attractions - Vaslui

The Church of „Saint Nicholas” of the boyard domain of Dimachi-Arghiropol, Gugesti Village, Botesti Commune
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The Church of „Saint  Nicholas” of the boyard domain of Dimachi-Arghiropol, Gugeşti Village, Boţeşti Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-B-06805.02)



Built in 1819 by the great mandarin Nicolae Dimachi and his wife Pulcheria Miclescu, as chapel of the residence founded in the 18th century, a few meters noth from the old church having the saint bearing of ,,Sf. Voievozi” from the 17th century (c.1690), rebuilt in the 18th century. In time, it has suffered some changes. In 1905, the shingle coverage was replaced with sheets and a second threshold was added.


Tree-apse church, with semi-circular apse of the altar, the lateral apses immersed in rectangular jutties, apse- form narthex, diaconicon and proskomede, short tower (as the superior leveled have been suppressed along the time) on the threshold and west entrance. It was built of brick on stone foundation, short four-shade roof. In the interior, the vaults rely on arches in relief and columns, presenting a vault with penetrations on the narthex, semi-cylindrical in the axle of the church on the nave, semi- domes on the altar and lateral apses. The sober facades of neoclassic style are decorated with rectangular panels deepened in the masonry; on the entrance, there are windows and blind windows with arch openings in plain centre, perches with simple profiles in restraint. At the entrance of the narthex, the religious inscription on stone with Cyrillic letters and the oak door bounded in metal and ornamented with geometric and floral motifs are there to welcome you.


There are also preserved the iconostasis painted oil on wood by Vasile Mihail in 1821, the Greek school, the church rood loft and chair in chopped wood, painted in the same period. In the threshold, a funerary stone bears no inscription, which might be of the founders’. Part of the stock of religious books and the iconostasis of the old church (in fragments), tempera on wood, from the 18th century, are at the municipal Museum of Huşi.

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