Tourist attractions - Vaslui

Saint George’s Church, Husi Municipality
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Saint George’s Church, Huşi Municipality, str. Sf. Gheorghe nr. 1, Vaslui County

(code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-B-06840)



Built between 1856 and 1869, through community contribution, north from the wooden church of the furriers’ guild (from the 18th century), and demolished in 1871. In 1847, a singing school was running within the church. It was radically repaired after the earthquake in 1940 and the bombing in 1944. Restored by the Ministry of Culture and Cults, 1992 - 2002.       


Three-apse church, with semicircular apses, Diaconicon and Proskomede in jutty, belfry tower on the west side. Built of brick, on stone foundations, timber support, sheet metal covering. In the interior, caps splayed on the nave and narthex, semi-cylindrical vault above the chorus balcony, semi-caps on the altar and lateral apses, supported on cross-springers and pillars. Facades ornamented with arches, fluted pillars, and simple profiles marking the plinth, cornice and rectangular windows with an arch bond opening. Metal-fettered doors at the entry to the narthex and altar dating from 1866, ornamented with vegetal, geometric motives and rosettes. Belfry tower with square-section barrel, Baroque roof.


It keeps the 19th century iconostasis, oil on wood. Part of the old dower of the church is found at the Diocesan Museum from Huşi.


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