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[ 11 ] The Wooden Church of Mother of God’s Entrance in Church (Vovidenia), Dragomiresti Village, Dragomiresti CommuneThe Wooden Church of Mother of God’s Entrance in Church (Vovidenia), Dragomireşti Village, Dragomireşti Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-A-06790) Built by the community of the village around 1774, near an older church (brought in the 17th century from the point “At the Cemetery” which today does not exist anymore), and built by the hodman Enea and the master smith Neagu, helped by Vasile Pavel. The church impresses th ... |
[ 12 ] Fậstici Monastery, Fậstici Village, Cozmesti CommuneFậstici Monastery, Fậstici Village, Cozmeşti Commune, Vaslui County ( code LMI 2004: VS-II-a-A-06797) The monastery founded by the landowners Palade during the 17th century was rebuilt by the Lord Mihai Racoviţă Cehan during the 18th century and it has extended also during the XIX century. In 1711, it was dedicated to the Frumoasa Monastery from Iasi (branch of the „Saint Ecaterina” Monastery from the Sinai mountain (today in Egypt ... |
[ 13 ] The Assemble of Floresti Monastery, Floresti Village, Poienesti CommuneThe Assemble of Floreşti Monastery (Simila, Florentina), Floreşti Village, Poieneşti Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-a-A-06798) Monastery founded by Cârstea Ghenovici, great landlord and his wife Anghelina, in the 16th century (1598), was renewed by his descendants, Gavriliţă Costache vornicul and sons - Vasile vornicul and Lupu the coffer – together with Antohie Jora the hetman, in the 17th century (c.1686-1694) a ... |
[ 14 ] The Wooden Church of "St. Voievods” of the Monastery of Mălinesti, Gârceni Village, Gârceni CommuneThe Wooden Church of "St. Voievods” of the Monastery of Mălineşti, Gârceni Village, Gârceni Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004, cod VS-II-m-B-06799) Built in 1826 by the community of monarchs, near the old church of the hermitage from 1762. The works were made by masters Gheorghe and Teodor. The hermitage from the 18th century was founded by monarch Nicodim Hudici from Gârceni. There was also a school of church singers tha ... |
[ 15 ] The Church of „Saint Nicholas” and „The Saint Third” of Grăjdeni Monastery, Grăjdeni Village, Fruntiseni CommuneThe Church of „Saint Nicholas” and „The Saint Third” of Grăjdeni Monastery, Grăjdeni Village, Fruntişeni Commune, Vaslui County ( code LMI 2004:VS-II-m-B-06802) Built in 1862 by Bishop Anania of the Bishopric of Huşi, on the placement of the old church of the hermitage bearing the titular Saint Nicholas. According to the tradition, the first church of the hermitage was built in the 16th century during the reign of Petru Rare ... |
[ 16 ] The Wooden Church of Mother of God’s Entrance in Church of Dimitrie Cantemir Monastery Grumezoaia Village, Dimitrie Cantemir CommuneThe Wooden Church of Mother of God’s Entrance in Church of Dimitrie Cantemir Monastery Grumezoaia Village, Dimitrie Cantemir Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-B-06804) The building is attributed to the family of Lord Dimitrie Cantemir (1692). Initially built in Silişteni Village in the county of Fălciului, after the disappearance of the locality, it was mo ... |
[ 17 ] The Church of „Saint Nicholas” of the boyard domain of Dimachi-Arghiropol, Gugesti Village, Botesti CommuneThe Church of „Saint Nicholas” of the boyard domain of Dimachi-Arghiropol, Gugeşti Village, Boţeşti Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-B-06805.02) Built in 1819 by the great mandarin Nicolae Dimachi and his wife Pulcheria Miclescu, as chapel of the residence founded in the 18th century, a few meters noth from the old church having the saint bearing of ,,Sf. Voievozi” from the 17th century (c.1690), rebuilt in the 18th c ... |
[ 18 ] Husi Bishopric, Husi MunicipalityHuşi Bishopric, Huşi Municipality, Str. M. Kogălniceanu, nr. 19, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-a-A-06839) It was settled in 1598 at the royal court founded by Stephan the Great at the end of the 15th century. It was disestablished in 1949, being merged with the Roman Bishopric ... |
[ 19 ] Saint George’s Church, Husi MunicipalitySaint George’s Church, Huşi Municipality, str. Sf. Gheorghe nr. 1, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-B-06840) Built between 1856 and 1869, through community contribution, north from the wooden church of the furriers’ guild (from the 18th century), and demolished in 1871. In 1847, a singing school was running within the church. It was radically repaired after the earthquake in 1940 and the bombing in 1944. Restored by the Ministry of Culture and Cults, 1992 - 2 ... |
[ 20 ] Saint Nicholas’s Wooden Church, of the former Gologofta-Husenii-Balica convent, Ivănesti villageSaint Nicholas’s Wooden Church, of the former Gologofta-Huşenii-Balica convent, Ivăneşti village, Balica neighborhood, Ivăneşti Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-A-06850) It was founded in 1774 by the hieromonk Ghenadie Cazimir, west from the old church of the convent (a. 1681) and radically repaired by the hieromonk Veniamin, in 1830. The convent was still known by the name of Huşenii (from the name of an 18th century donator) or Balica ... |
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