



Romania is placed in the South East part of Europe and is neighbored by Ukraine and Republic Moldavia at North and South, Hungary and Serbia at West and Bulgaria at South. In South East part of the country there is a seaside shore offering access to the Black Sea.  The country capital is Bucharest, the biggest city of the country.




Romania has a temperate continental climate of transition, with four different seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. The local climate differences are present most of them because of the altitude and latitude and less because of the oceanic influences from west, the Mediterranean influences from south west or the continental influences from east.


The annual average temperatures during the summer season varies between 22˚C and 24˚C, and - 3˚C and - 5˚C in winter. While the annual average temperatures are of approximately 11˚C in south, in the north part of Romania these temperatures are of 8˚C, due to the latitude and also the country relief distribution.


The extreme temperatures ever in Romania were: minimum - 38,5˚C, and maximum + 44˚C .


Winter is a cold season, when the cold air waves from East bring temperatures of -20°C or even lower (the lowest is - 38,5˚C, at Bod, near Braşov, in 25th of January 1942). The snow is not abundant in comparison with the other European states, because of the luck of precipitations and also because of the frequent temperature grows. In south and west the winter snow melts and reappears few times during the winter.


Spring is another season of transitions, generally short. The temperature grows fast, the freezing temperatures completely disappear in April.


Summer is a worm season, that lasts from the end of May until the half of September in the South and West plains. In South Romania there are over 40 „tropical” days (with temperatures over 30, even 35° C)  and over 90 summer days (with temperatures between 25 - 30°C). The maximum absolute temperature from Romania is +44.5°C, and was recorded at Ion Sion, near Brăila, on 10th of  August 1951. Often, there are powerful storms in the summer with a lot of precipitations.


In the mountain areas from North and center, summer is a temperate season, with few tropical days or summer days, and cold nights.


Autumn is a shorter season, of transition, with long dry and rain periods. In the second part of October first freezing periods can occur, and in  November first periods of snow. In the plains regions, these phenomena are coming later than in the rest of the country.


The annual average temperature varies from 11°C in Danube plain to 6°C in Harghita. The average temperature of July varies between 26°C and 18°C also depending of the region. In January, these temperatures varies from 0°C (at Băile Herculane or at Mangalia) to - 6°C (in depressions).


The precipitations are moderate with variations from the insufficient quantity of 400 mm in Dobrogea to 500 mm in the Romanian Plain and to 600 mm in the West Plain. The precipitations are growing in the same time with altitude, to more than 1.000 mm/year. At high altitudes of 1.800 m, the precipitations have a value of 1.000 - 1.200 mm/year. The annual average of falling precipitations (calculated on the entire territory) is of 637 mm/year, with values sensible high in the mountains areas (1.000 - 1.400 mm/year) and progressive lower towards east, in Bărăgan being 500 mm/year, and in Dobrogea and Danube Delta lowering until 400 mm/year.





Vaslui is a county situated in the East part of Romania, laying down on the superior and middle course of Bîrlad river. It is part of the North East Region and is neighbored in north with Ias County, in north west with Neamt County,  in west with Bacau County, in the south west with Vrancea County, in the south with Galaţi County and in the east part, over the Prut river, with Republic Moldova.


Vaslui County includes 3 important cities: Vaslui, Bîrlad, Huşi, other 2 cityies Negreşti and Murgeni, 81 communes and 456 villages. Vaslui is the biggest city and also the residence of the county council.




The climate is temperate and continental being characterized through warm and dry summers and freezing winters. The annual average temperatures are between + 8˚C and + 9,4˚C, and the precipitations are relatively reduced.


The thermal regime measured on a hundred years  (1896 – 1998), underlines the following:

§  the annual average temperature is + 9,4˚C, getting close to the country average (+ 9,5˚C);

§  the passing from the cold season to the warm season is quite instant;

§  there are big differences of temperature between march and may;

§  a big number of freezing days (120).


The wind regime puts in evidence the domination of the north, north-west, and also south, south-west air currents. These currents have a direct influence over the precipitations regime that are quite poor in the November-March period.


The big quantities of precipitations are mostly in the warm part of the year with maximum levels in May and June, with an annual average of 80,79 mm/year. The snow level varies between 12,2 – 33,6 cm.




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