

Republic Moldova


Moldova is situated in the south east part of the European continent. It’s neighbors are Romania at west, and Ukraine at north, east and south. The maximum distance from west to east is 150 km, and from north to south 350 km.


Republic Moldova is divided in 32 districts, 3 municipalities (Chişinău, Bălţi and Tighina) and two regions with special statute: Găgăuzia and Transnistria (with a disputed statute).


Republic Moldova’s capital is Chişinău.





Republic Moldova is placed in an area with temperate continental climate, at approximately half distance between Ecuador and North Pole. The four seasons are well defined, with the gentle winter and a long summer with a lot of sun. The general movement of the atmosphere air waves is from North West or South West Atlantic. The average air temperature from north to south varies between +7,5˚ C (Briceni) at + 10˚C (Cahul) and land from +10˚C to +12˚C.


In Republic Moldova there are almost 2060-2360 hours of sun during the year, the positive temperature is registered for 165-200 days per year, the precipitations varies between 370-560 mm/year and approximately 10% from them are with snow shape. Moldova territory is part of the insufficient humidity area.


Winter begins with the invasion of cold air waves from north-east and east that lead to the temperatures lowering, being gentle with an average temperature in January of - 5˚C at north in Briceni and of - 3˚C at south in Cahul, and in the case of the arctic air waves invasion the lowest temperatures are registered between - 30˚C and - 36˚C.


Spring is an unstable season, when the sunny days number is growing and the average air temperature is also growing. The unstable weather is determined also by the invasion of the cold arctic air, that can lead to spring freezing times. In May, the average air temperature is growing and stables around +15˚C lowering the freezing danger.


Summer is sunny, warm and long, with long periods of time without precipitations. The average July temperature is between +19,5˚C and +22˚C, but sometimes the tropical air waves are coming from south bringing dry and warm weather, with temperatures between +35˚C and +40˚C. In the summer the rains are often short and abundant, provoking sometimes local floods.


Autumn, in the first half, is characterized through a peaceful, sunny and warm weather. Slowly, in the second half, the cold air waves are getting close from north east, so that the temperature is lowering. In November, the average temperature lowers to values between + 5˚C and + 3˚C and the first snowing might occur.





Hînceşti District is situated in the center part of Republic Moldova in forest area. The residential center is the city Hînceşti, situated at a 35 Km distance of the capital Chişinău and at 120km away of Iaşi, Romania. At east, the district neighbors with Romania, at north with Nisiporeni and Străşeni districts, at west with Ialoveni district, and at south with Cimişlia and Leova districts.


The district has 63 units: the city Hînceşti (the district center) and 62 villages, administrated 39 city halls.




The weather is moderate continental, with an instable character. The annual average temperature is almost equal with +9˚C. The temperature absolute minimum is during January, with values between -30˚C and -32˚C, and maximum, is registered in June – July months and goes on to +39˚C and +40˚C.


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