In the context of the historical development of the religious sites from the nearby regions, Vaslui County and Hînceşti District, we agree that the broadening of the knowledge area about the churches evolution in Leova District represents one of the main goals of this piece of work. The architectural analysis of some of the most important religious monuments will underline, on one hand, the resemblance between several halidoms in the region, but also the natural originality of each, on the other hand


We see in this guide a modern and efficient tool in the religious sites promotion, the same sites that played such an important part in the assertion of the spiritual identity of the Moldavians from both sides of the river Prut. This guide is, indeed,  the first step made by Leova District to promote its beautiful religious sites and also, the beginning of rural tourism development in the district.


In choosing the religious sites included here, we considered how old and also how important they are in the life of the comunity. The various and captivating foreign styles (Russian, Polish, etc.) are melted with the main background of the Moldavian style. As such, we will let our churches to disclose the historical evolution of Leova District over the last two or three centuries, carrying, like a witness, the burden of history further on.


All our good will and spirituality lies in these halidoms and each toll carries with it a sign of faith towards our Praised Good Lord.


The holy sites from this land are waiting for those passers-by who are eager to discover holy mysteries and learn about others impressive past. The peace and purity of these ”religious sacraments” awaits for you too, in order to be blessed with the energy and the elevation of the Holy Ghost.


Ion Gudumac

Presedent of Leova District


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