Tourist attractions - Vaslui

„The Birth of Mother of God” Church, Pribesti Village, Codăesti Commune
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„The Birth of Mother of God” Church, Pribeşti Village, Codăeşti Commune, Vaslui County ( code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-A-06870.01)



Founded around 1844 by the mandarin Lupu Balş and his wife, Eufrosina, as a chapel of yard, instead of a church with „Saint Nicholas” bearing of, certificated in 1636, and rebuilt in 1765, by the Ruset (Roset) family. The church is a part of the ensemble of the manor Roset – Balş.


Church with rectangular plan with unhooked semi-circular apse of the altar and bell tower on the narthex, entrance on the west. It’s built of brick, on stone foundations and plinth. The façades are decorated with neoclassical elements, illustrated through carry with base and simple column head, rectangular windows with arch bond openings and moulds under the cornice. The vaulting system is supported by the embossed arches and the pendentives. The nave is covered with two calottes, and the altar and the narthex with domes. The bell tower, square-sectioned, with three levels, four-shade roof, it has the same decor as the church.


It keeps the 19th century iconostasis, oil on wood. The old religious book collection is at the Diocesan Museum from Huşi. „The Romanian book of studies”, known as „The Homiliary of Varlaam”, printed at Iaşi in 1643, contains denotations concerning the founders. 


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