Tourist attractions - Vaslui

The Church of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen, Saint Nicholas and Saint Martyr Aglaida, Mălăiesti village, Vutcani commune
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The Church of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen, Saint Nicholas and Saint Martyr Aglaida, Mălăieşti village, Vutcani commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-A-06853.01)      



Built between 1884 and 1885 by Constantin N. Corbu and his wife, Aglaia, as a court chapel, with craftsmen brought from Chernivtsi, based on the project of architect Oscar Benisi. The church and manor house are part of the assembly of the “Constantin N. Corbu” noble court, a hospital today, by testamentary donation. Born in Focşasca village, Vaslui County, a lawyer, great estate owner and philanthropist, decorated for special merits with the order of “Romanian Crown”, class “Commander”, Constantin Corbu endowed the church with 50 chops of land from his estate, Mălăieştii, from which 40 chops for the church maintenance and 10 chops for the payment of the serving clergy (1 priest, 2 singers and 1 ecclesiarch). The additional income made from leasing the 40 chops of land went to “capital repairs by auction” of the church “so that it may never become a ruin or change its destination”. Damaged by the earthquakes in 1977, 1986 and 1990, the church is being restored. 


Three-apse church of rectangular apses, Proscomidia and Diaconicon in jutty, west entrance. The outline of the belfry tower on the narthex and the small towers on the profile stand out. The vaulting system, supported on transverse arches, is made of cross vaults on the porch and narthex, two semi-cylindrical vaults on the nave, perpendicular on the church axis and semi-calottes on the altar and side apses. The architectural appearance has Gothic Revival influences: lancet arch spans, small towers, decorative friezes with lancet spans, finials, circular windows, rose windows. The octagonal-shaped belfry tower, on 4 levels, supported on a drum of the same section, is decorated by geometrical motifs (lozenges).


The votive paintings of the founders are kept in the interior, together with a rich religious inventory of those times. The founder’s necropolis is in the basement (1833 - 1895). The old book collection and the paintings of King Carol I and Queen Elizabeth, oil on canvas left as testament are found in the Vaslui County Museum.

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