The Wooden Church of Saint Nicholas, Obârşeni Village, Vinderei Commune, Vaslui County (code LMI 2004: VS-II-m-A-06861)
Founded in 1764 by the mandarin Costache Lupu, instead of an older church of roods, agglutinated with clay and burnt in 1741.
Popular architecture unique in the Diocese of Huşi through the technical realization, starting with the structure to the closing system, the plan geometry, the harmony of the volumes and the decoration which clings to the Romanian medieval architecture at the confluence with the popular art.
The church has rectangular plan, with unhooked polygonal apse of the altar, and closed on the northern side threshold, supported on sculpted in simple accolade pillars, south entrance. It’s built of oak drift mandrels, fortified in „blockbau” system, closed in „straight loops”, „swallow tale” and in „arrow”, on river stone foundation and timber support. The roof of purling ridge type, with long eaves is supported by wooden consoles, decorated with the „horse head” motive. The façades are girded with a middle girdle in distort, decorated with scales, saw teeth and ear. The alcoves under the cornices, the rectangular frameworks of the windows and the doorway have a route in accolade in the superior side. In the carved decoration of the doorway we can also find motives as the creeping stalk, the lily flower and the wolf. The entrance in the narthex is through an oak door with closing system with handle. The nave is covered with octagonal sectioned vault, with 16 simple arch ribs and a vault key with a shape of chaterinewheel with 12 corners. The hardware from the door and the lattice from the windows are realized in local workshops.
The church dwells icons painted by the painter Dima, the triptych icon „Saint Nicholas”, oil on wood, with plated rose, and inscription in Russian language from 1768. The triptych long list of the founders from 1764 and the old religious book fund are in the collections of the Diocesan Museum from Huşi.