Hincesti County General Presentation



Geographic position

Hincesti District is situated in the central part of Republic Moldova, in the forests area. The residential center is the city Hincesti, situated at a 35 km distance from the country capital and 120 km distance from Iasi (Romania). The district surface is 1483,4 km2, meaning 4,6% from the Republic Moldova territory. Hincesti District has 63 communities, including one city – Hincesti and 62 villages. The relief is mainly made up of hills with heights between 100 and 350 m. The main rivers are: Prut, Lapusnita, Cogalnic. The climate is moderate continental, with an unstable character. The air average temperature is equal with +9 0C. The absolute minimum temperature was registered in January (–30, – 32 0C), and the maximum in July (+39, + 40 0C). The district center is the city Hincesti.

The inhabitants number is 119,4 thousands persons, being on the 3rd place in the country. 57,4 thousands of persons are economical active. The urban population constitutes 11% from the total number. Around 92% from the citizens are orthodox Christians.

Hincest District is passed by important access roads to Romania and Ukraine (E 581 Marasesti-Tecuci-Albita-Leuseni-Chisinau-Odesa; E 577: Poltava-Kirovograd-Chisinau-Giurgiulesti-Galati).

In all Hincesti District economic sectors are registered almost 22 thousands economical agents, 90% being peasant small farms. The main sectors are agriculture and processing industry. The wine yards consists almost 15% from the total agricultural lands, double than the country average rate.

The industry is represented by 19 companies. The export and import geography includes countries from European Union, Russian Federation, Ukraine, etc.

In the district there are branches of 6 commercial banks and 5 micro financing institutions.


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