Dear readers,


Hinceşti District Council greatly emphasizes the promotion of the region as a whole, being aware that, due to the present situation within the context of our immediate bordering the European Union, local isolation is not only contra-productive, but also lacking any perspective. We have succeeded in accomplishing something under these circumstances, but, of course, we are striving to cover as many different fields as possible. Through the present publication, conceived in a meritorious graphic form we intend to somehow contribute to the information in such a sensible and close field of every bona fide citizen, such as the cultural- religious inheritance.  


Our ancestors are known to have always lived in perfect harmony with nature, to have cared for their land and in their daily life to have treasured great Christian respect and piety. Of course, taking into account this fertile field, the works of art of a certain cultural-artistic and spiritual value have always been in the spotlight. Unfortunately, the subsequent hardships have left an evil print over them, most of them reaching an advanced level of decay, and, what is worse, they went into oblivion by forgetfulness and indifference. 


Howbeit, a chain of cultural-religious sites have been preserved and they should not be absent from the potential touristic itineraries. Among them I would like to mention the Monastery from Negrea Village, the Hunting Castle – integrant part of the Manuc-Bey Complex (Hinceşti Town), the Wooden Church of Cotul Morii village. It is out duty to bring them back to life, to give them the importance and glitter from the past. I consider that a first step in this direction is represented by the present guide itself. And in case it triggers your interest, persuading you to visit these sites, then the authors’ exertions have abundantly accomplished their goal.


I kindly invite you to attentively let youselves taken away by this absorbing and undoubtedly useful reading.


Anatolie CHETRARU,

President of Hinceşti District


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